Monday, March 18, 2013

The First Email from Chile

Chile is awesome! The work is progressing here, but very slowly. Satan definitely has a hold on these people. There was much witchcraft at one point in recent history, and some of the oldest generation still practice. Evil spirits are everywhere and we're giving several house blessings this week. Also, common among most Latin countries, is a problem with the Law of Chastity. Very few people are married and even less have the desire to get married. But they are still raising great families together!
Elder Daylon Crider
Misión Chile Santiago Oeste
Casilla 149
Pajaritos 1921
Maipú, Chile
If you´ve already sent letters, they will still get here, but it takes almost twice as long. Also, packages go to this same address.
Time is flying! It´s already been almost a full week! The more I speak the language, the more I am able to understand. My trainer says that, like all missionaries fresh from the MTC, it´s ok to only understand the palabras del Evangelio (the Gospel words).
Umm....we have lunch with the members every day, there is no dinner, but we get fed A LOT!!! There is a Sister in the ward who washes our clothes for us. We get a lot of seasoned tomatoes, rice, and juice. We haven´t had to make anything on our own yet because when we aren´t eating with a member (usually just breakfast is on our own), we have leftovers.
(Daylon had wondered in an earlier email if Dad and I were planning to pick him up from Chile at the end of his mission. I said only if it wouldn't interfere with him being able to enroll in school in time):
My release date, even if I came home two weeks early (as of the date given to me right now. My trainer had his mission extended because we came it halfway through a transfer) will be too late to enroll in any classes, even the late-start ones. We´ll have to see if I ever serve in a richer area because here, in my first area, there are too many drunks and people who hate "gringos", so I don´t want dad to spend even 30 minutes here, much less you and the kids, if you bring them. Especially not the girls. We´ve been threatened several times that we´ll be killed if certain people see us in certain parts ever again. But, President King did say I´m serving in the most ghetto part, therefore it can only get better from here :) (Added from a later email: Tell mom I´m sorry I scared her! There really is nothing to worry about. It´s illegal to discriminate and he called us out because we´re gringos, entonces next time we´ll just call the police right in front of him and he´s going to jail. Him and anyone else who threatens us. I promise it´s nothing to worry about!)
Me encantan las personas aquí y yo sé que el Evangelio bendice las familias. Muchas personas necessitan la verdad y lo tenemos. ¡Que bakan! (from Google Translate: I love the people here and I know that the gospel blesses families. Many people need truth and we have it.That bakan!)
Oh, before I forget, Trevin, while you´re translating, you´ll probably have difficulty with some words. There are 3 types of Spanish: Portuguese, Spanish, and Chilean. I´m learning at least a dozen new words a day that are unique to Chile. Just a heads up! (p.s. "Bakan" significa "cool") Also, they don´t pronounce the last "s" on words. Por exemplo: mas o menos = ma o meno
Entonces, yo sé que Dios es todo poderoso y si es Su voluntad, muchas personas llegarán miembros. Pero, sólamente si es el tiempo por ellos. Dios sabe cuándo las personas aquí necesitan ayuda y si nosotros siempre listos, podemos dar ayuda a cualquier persona que nos conocemos en las calles y casas. Cuándo yo empiezo mi día con una orración, tedrá el Espíritu Santo guiarme durante esa día. Tenemos que orar para recibir la guía de Dios por medio el Espíritu. (from Google Translate: So, I know that God is all powerful and if He wills, many members arrive. But only if it is time for them. God knows when people here need help and if we ever ready, we can help anyone we know in the streets and houses. When I start my day with a orración, Tedra the Holy Spirit guide me during that day. We need to pray for God's guidance through the Spirit.)
I love you all.

- Elder Daylon Crider

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