So, being in the office has it's perks, but also it's downsides. Yesterday the office got an email saying it would save the Church $500-600 USD if they could send my group home on Tuesday instead of Monday....and Pdte approved :/ So I'll be flying in Wednesday morning around 9:30AM (we don't have my itinerary yet)
That was pretty much the most depressing thing I've heard since about this time last year! Not because I'm staying one day more - me da lo mismo - but because I was SO excited to see Trevin play again!! When is his next game after that???
Have you ever used public transportation, like a bus or train or cab, in Chile? What was that like?
We use public transport almost every day (except here in the office because we have a car). Now it's a normal experience for me, in fact, I started wondering if we had that in Mesa because I couldn't remember. I looked it up and actually planned a pretty nice route from our house to the MCC campus at Southern and Dobson because I figured I won't have a car right when I get home :P
Are you sending Alyza any candy for her bday? She really wants to know!
As soon as I find a box that's the right size I'll send it. Probably at the end of next week. Sorry for the tardanza, but we've had so many problems with the cars lately that I've had to fill out reports for and coordinate the payments (and every once in a while try my hand at haggling - with success!) so I completely forgot when I had to send it for it to get there on time. But I'm sending it!
Did you share Grandma's box of goodies? :)
A little, but I hid most of the good stuff :) Hahaha
So, here's my schedule:
ECN211 MWF 9-9:50
PSY132 MWF 11-11:50
CIS162 Online
SPA265 Online (starts Feb 2nd)
I plan to use TuTh 8-8:50 and 9-9:50 for my online classes
For Sis Peterson:
Well, I could make some Chilean food, but it's a very acquired tasted haha. My banana bread is more of a banana cake, but I did learn it in the mission :) And I'd love to help out once in a while!
When is her class? During Sunday School, or on Sunday afternoons or when?
Hey! Does Dad happen to know when Elder's ball starts??
I'll start working on what to put in my resume and maybe Dad can help me put it together?