Well, you all got super lucky this week! We were going to go to a lake and play football (American football), but it turns out that no one else wanted to go :/ So I got back early and, would ya look at that, an email from Mom ;) (from mom: I was late today!)
Anyway, on Monday I'm getting comp #13 because E' L is going home.......that's not just comp #13, but #4 this change.....I swear God's trying to tell me something, but apparently I still haven't figured it out. Oh well, there's still 6 more months and who knows how many comps for me to try and figure it out. Maybe He's trying to give me a bit of a social life because I never really had one and when I get home I'll only have 2 months.....hopefully I figure it out before my 2 years are up!
How's life with your new comp? What is his job at the office?
See the paragraph I just wrote :) Oh, and he really doesn't do anything here. The past few days he's been doing family history research and writing. He loves writing and is super good at it!
Can you still feel the spirit strongly in the office like you can when you're teaching people, or is it harder?
The Spirit is definitely stronger out in the field. And with the schedule we have in the office, we don´t do much studying, but we normally have a few hours in the sector every day. These past few weeks, however, have been harder to get out mostly because I'm on my own and trying to put this puzzle together when I'm not even sure I'm playing with the right pieces, ya know?
Do you want me to forward Austin's mission emails to you every week, or just once in a while?
Weekly please :)
What have you been eating? packing any lunches or fast food every day?
Well, today we went to Applebee´s :) Unfortunately Pdte told me to pay for Elder L because he doesn't have money (because he's going home on Monday) so I blew through about $42 and change.....but other than that we usually eat at three places: 1) Pollo Stop, 2) McDonald's, and 3) Burger King
Not the best choices, but I just don't have time for anything else. I want to practice me cooking, but even on Pday I'm in the office working! I'm not going to take a job where I work Saturdays because this is getting ridiculous....
Anywhat, time to go. Lots of love for everyone!
- Elder Daylon Crider