Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Happy Happy (and busy)

(Mom asked Daylon if he was enjoying working on the inactive rolls): I love waking up on Tuesday mornings for the simple fact that I get to use a computer to literally save souls for the next four days :)

And I got a call from the assistants (we actually have 6 in my mission...) that President needs me to be at the Church building at 9am tomorrow for a special assignment. I managed to get a bit of info out of them and it has to do with rebuilding computers and networking them all together :) Now, if that wasn´t the best call I´ve gotten in the past year, I don´t know what is haha

(Mom told Daylon that Annalyn was using his phone, which is still under Daylon on her speed dial. Allie picked up a text Annalyn sent and said, "Mom, it's from Daylon. It says 'I'm home'". Alyza then proceeded to freak out. "Daylon's home??!!!") No, you didn´t tell me that I texted you the other day ;P haha. I´m sure that had to be a huge let-down :/ 

I have a challenge :) That every morning (or whenever you study your scriptures) you send a bit about what you learned to 5 different people. Think you can do it for a week?

The Work is great, the Church is true, I´m completely out of time and still three emails to do :P
Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider
p.s. Sorry there aren´t many fotos. Time flies when you only have 5 hours to visit people after working on the Simi Squad all morning

Look Ma, I'm eating!

Monday, February 17, 2014

New Companion

A bit about my comp:
Name: Elder Garrett W
Where he is from: South Jordan, Utah
Girlfriend?: Yes
Time in the mission: 6 weeks less than my (so about a year)
Other facts: District Leader, special assignment: Simi Squad, plays Lacross, fin.

(Re: a family photo with Jenny): the idea is for me to tape the photo to one of the blank pages in the back of my BoM so when I don´t feel like carrying around my backpack I can still have pictures with me. If not, I suppose I could use the Christmas card and one of the millions of photos Jenny has sent me with some scissors and tape. Although, having their first impression of all you being dressed up like that, well...there´s a reason I´m glad I wasn´t there, right? Hahaha 

Unfortunately, I don´t have any new photos for this week, sorry :/

The "Simi Squad Project" is going pretty well. We work about 4 hours Tuesday - Friday (we´re trying to be able to work Saturdays too) and we have 5 more weeks to finish our first project: the Ochagavía Stake. There´s more than 8,000 members registered, but the average ward attendance is about 60 people (there´s 8 wards in the Stake).

And I think that´s everything....if it´s not I´ll think of it 5 minutes after I log off and pay and then it´ll just have to wait for next week, sorry :P

Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On The Hunt

So, two things happened this week that sort of neutralized each other; First, I GOT THE BEST FREAKING PACKAGE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D  

And second, there was no baptism. Turns out they lied to us when they said they were married and because they aren´t they can´t get baptized.

And yesterday.....I GOT A NEW COMP!!!!! But I´m not excited in the least.... ;D

Anyway, Elder W (my District leader) is now my comp. I don´t know if I told you before about the "Simi Squad"? Anyway, it´s a special assignment ELder w and have, along with 3 other Elders to help clean up the...the...los registros de los miembros (no me gusta inglés...)( from mom: stake directory?). In the Ochagavía Stake, there´s 8,000 registros de los miembros, but each Ward only has about 50 people attending regularly. So we´re on a hunt. A "less-active" hunt. To find the members and ask "What´s up?". We´re to bring them back. We need to rescue them. The "Simi Squad" working on "El Rescate". (How´s that for an epic movie plot? Hahahahaha joke :P)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Pouch (when we get mail) only happens every two weeks now. The next time will be the week of the 24th :/ And on Pday, it is now mandatory that we take a one hour nap. I´ve never been so excited for a nap in my life!! :D Hahaha

Also, can I make a request? I don´t like (I never have, actually) carrying around my backpack all day. As a result, I usually don´t have any pictures with me when we meet new people and they ask to see our families. So my request is this: Sometime in the near future (I´m hoping this week, but as long as I can get it works) you send me a new family pic, with Jenny (When I say I have a girlfriend but don´t have pics, no one tends to believe I that ugly??)

Anyway, life is wonderful, God lives, Christ loves us all, and the Holy Ghost can will teach us all things that we need to know.

Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider

p.s. I got packages from Mom and Grandma and letters from about 10 people, the replies to which all got sent out today :) I´ll let you know in two weeks what else I get :)

BEST PACKAGE EVER!!! (Grandpa's salsa & Jenny's drawing)

Monday, February 3, 2014

We Can Be Forgiven

Well, these past few weeks President has been rearranging the meetings we had planned and as the result of one of them we didn´t get mail last week :/ No packages/letters :/ Hopefully tomorrow I get everything! If not...well I may just have to figure out how to break into the office and gather them myself haha (joke! I already know how to get in...hahahaha kidding!!!)

So, this week I was reading in Alma 17, specifically verses 14-15. With all the troubles I´ve been having lately I found great consolance (is that even a word??) (aack, his English! The word is consolation, Elder Crider!) in the last few lines of v15. I´d encourage you to take 2 seconds to read it real quick before continuing to read (or pull it up from in another tab). Anyway, it talks about all the sins they were committing and all the vain traditions they were following, but "the promeses of the Lord were extended unto them on the conditions of repentance." If the Lord is willing to forgive them still after all they had done as explained in the verses, how much more willing would He be to forgive us? How much easier is it for us to reach out and take His arm of mercy that is extended to us? I like those verses.

A. (the one who is going to be baptized March 1st) has been running all over Santiago doing paperwork to sell her house, so we haven´t been able to visit her. HOWEVER, Juan Carlos and Govanna V. are going to be baptized THIS SATURDAY!!!!! PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM!!!!

About Priesthood Blessings - I´ve participated in the dedication of a grave and have personally performed blessings of health and "consejo" as well as blessing a house. I remember one story from the life of Joseph Smith while he and some other Apostles were performing Temple ordinances in a Temple. He fell down completely exhausted and later explained that it was because, as Jesus felt when the woman with the blood problem touched the hem of his robes, that virtue does literally flow from the Priesthood bearer to the recipient of the blessing thus leaving one without energy if performed consistantly for a prolonged period of time. I testify that it is true. When one is worthy to invoke the powers of Heaven, that transfer of virtue can leave one sweating and exhausted.

Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider

p.s. My shoes are actually holding in really well! Tell Bro. Thompson thanks!