(Mom asked Daylon if he was enjoying working on the inactive rolls): I love waking up on Tuesday mornings for the simple fact that I get to use a computer to literally save souls for the next four days :)
And I got a call from the assistants (we actually have 6 in my mission...) that President needs me to be at the Church building at 9am tomorrow for a special assignment. I managed to get a bit of info out of them and it has to do with rebuilding computers and networking them all together :) Now, if that wasn´t the best call I´ve gotten in the past year, I don´t know what is haha
(Mom told Daylon that Annalyn was using his phone, which is still under Daylon on her speed dial. Allie picked up a text Annalyn sent and said, "Mom, it's from Daylon. It says 'I'm home'". Alyza then proceeded to freak out. "Daylon's home??!!!") No, you didn´t tell me that I texted you the other day ;P haha. I´m sure that had to be a huge let-down :/
I have a challenge :) That every morning (or whenever you study your scriptures) you send a bit about what you learned to 5 different people. Think you can do it for a week?
The Work is great, the Church is true, I´m completely out of time and still three emails to do :P
Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider
p.s. Sorry there aren´t many fotos. Time flies when you only have 5 hours to visit people after working on the Simi Squad all morning