Well...humility, meekness, and giving service are probably the three hardest Christ-like attributes to attain - they´re also the three attributes necessary to getting along with your companion. Now, you all know I´m not good at the whole "details" thing, plus I don´t have much time to write. Sufficeth to say that there´s only two more weeks in the change and because E´ S has 6 months here, it´s 99.99% factual that he´s got changes. And that is all.
I only have about $20 to spend on food each week, all other expenses taken into account, and I find it hard to talk myself into buying many ingredients because I don´t usually eat in the house. I´ve never been big on breakfast, and there´s usually not time to cook when we get home at night. Every now and again a family just gives us money for lunch and then I do buy a few small things to cook with, but if it´s not rice and corn, it´s expensive (for a missionary :P) Luckily, on Thursday they´re giving us money, so I´ll try that recipe out :)
Yesterday, a miracle happened! Mientras buscábamos a un Menos Activo (según el trabajo que estamos haciendo con el Simi) encontramos a una mujer, Astrit, quien recibió un Libro de Mormón hace 5 años. Nos relató la historia de Nefi y dijo: "...y a fin los Mormones tocaron mi puerta. Estaba esperándoles." Ella se comprometió a bautizarse el 1 Marzo, pero estamos pensando en acercar la fecha. Vamos a ver lo que Dios quiere por ella. Por favor ore por Astrit :) (Google translate: While looking for a Less Active (according to the work we are doing with the Simi) find a woman, A, who received a Book of Mormon 5 years ago. We told the story of Nephi and said: ".. Mormons ... and so I was waiting for my door knocked" She promised to be baptized on 1 March, but we're thinking of bringing the date. Let's see what God wants for her. Please pray for A :) )
Sorry, but Trev´ll have to translate that. I wrote it to Pres and didn´t feel like writing it all out again haha
Lots of love,