Monday, January 27, 2014

A Miracle

Well...humility, meekness, and giving service are probably the three hardest Christ-like attributes to attain - they´re also the three attributes necessary to getting along with your companion. Now, you all know I´m not good at the whole "details" thing, plus I don´t have much time to write. Sufficeth to say that there´s only two more weeks in the change and because E´ S has 6 months here, it´s 99.99% factual that he´s got changes. And that is all.

I only have about $20 to spend on food each week, all other expenses taken into account, and I find it hard to talk myself into buying many ingredients because I don´t usually eat in the house. I´ve never been big on breakfast, and there´s usually not time to cook when we get home at night. Every now and again a family just gives us money for lunch and then I do buy a few small things to cook with, but if it´s not rice and corn, it´s expensive (for a missionary :P) Luckily, on Thursday they´re giving us money, so I´ll try that recipe out :)

Yesterday, a miracle happened! Mientras buscábamos a un Menos Activo (según el trabajo que estamos haciendo con el Simi) encontramos a una mujer, Astrit, quien recibió un Libro de Mormón hace 5 años. Nos relató la historia de Nefi y dijo: "...y a fin los Mormones tocaron mi puerta. Estaba esperándoles." Ella se comprometió a bautizarse el 1 Marzo, pero estamos pensando en acercar la fecha. Vamos a ver lo que Dios quiere por ella. Por favor ore por Astrit :)  (Google translate: While looking for a Less Active (according to the work we are doing with the Simi) find a woman, A, who received a Book of Mormon 5 years ago. We told the story of Nephi and said: ".. Mormons ... and so I was waiting for my door knocked" She promised to be baptized on 1 March, but we're thinking of bringing the date. Let's see what God wants for her. Please pray for A :) )
Sorry, but Trev´ll have to translate that. I wrote it to Pres and didn´t feel like writing it all out again haha

Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider
p.s. new photos :)
p.p.s. Thanks for the "remember when" email! I actually only remembered about 3 or 4 :P
My favorite things!


Monday, January 13, 2014

He Must've Been Sicker (more sick?) Than We Thought

(As he is famous for, Elder Crider here shares only the END of a story instead of the complete story. So, your guess is as good as ours! )

(CLUE #1) Well, it turns out I`m not allowed to fast anymore as a missionary....I`m supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, drink 2-3 Liters of water daily, and get 30 minutes more of sleep than I am right now. Why do I have such a fast metabolism?? :/  (ummm, son, not just metabolism, but perhaps not eating enough calories to keep up with walking 10 miles per day!)

Anyway, this past week we had an awesome miracle happen: We visited Familia C (my first time visiting them outside of when they give us lunch) and we had the following lesson:

In this time of the year, many people like to set some goals. However, the majority of those goals don´t make it past "Day 2". So, what can we do? We can set goals than aren´t just a "one-and-done" sort of goal, but we can set goals that become habits. For example, Read one verse of scripture more today than you did yesterday until you are reading a chapter a day. Then I passed out notecards and encouraged them all to write a goal that can become a habit. They wrote them, then the mom asked if everyone could share their goals. You know what happened? Every single one of them (the mom(55), dad(60), daughter(35) and son(18)) all wrote goals that would help them become active in the church again! But that wasn´t the miracle :) The miracle happened on Sunday, when, for the first time since I`ve been here, ALL 4 of them came to church!! :D When the Spirit is present, hearts change :)

I hope everyone is doing well and behaving themselves ;) Haha If you can, please pray for my comp and I. Patience and love are sometimes difficult attributes...

Aaaand....yeah, that´s about all I´ve got to say this week. (CLUE #2) Not much happened cuz I was in bed two days, and the third and fourth we only worked a half-day because I still didn´t have all my energy back. Stupid metabolism....

Lots of love,
- Elder Daylon Crider
Chocolate craving!

A fancy card from Bro & Sis Law. Thank you!

It's so beautiful...

My first taste of root beer in almost a year.
Elder S made lunch ;)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Not feeling too good

This is going to be short my head hurts (and unfortunatly Tricia will probably write me a well-worded email for next week because of that)  (haha, Tricia gets after Daylon for not being well hydrated)

MOM How do you buy my contacts? (Where you get them, if you buy for more than 1 month, how much it costs) because a member is looking into getting some. He´s a little less blind than I am.

Also, if it`s not to late, I`m sorta low on envelopes (a.k.a. I`ve got two left...) :D Thanks! If not, I can pick up some Chilean ones, but they´re about 3USD for 50 :P  (I will send these to Daylon this week, I have a box going out)

Even though it only gets to about 95 degrees, the ozone here basically doesn´t exist, hence the reason I`m going to bed after I send these :/ I probably shouldn´t have said that....ooops

Love you all, be good and remember to pray daily (Alma 37:37, D&C 10:5)

- Elder Daylon Crider

Maybe this is why I don't feel so good :)

The view on New Year's Day